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Ocean City

Follow the Fun: Going Fishing on the Angler Head Boat!

the angler deep sea fishing boat
Here is the Angler deep sea fishing boat coming back to the dock after a successful trip.

We decided to do something different to launch the 4th of July weekend.  We have worked with the Angler boat for years, but have never been out on one of their fishing trips.  We always recommend the Angler as a wonderful thing to do when you come to Ocean City with friends and family, but we have only experienced the fabulous sunset cruises on the Angler’s boat.  So, because it is the start of the 4th of July weekend and going fishing is one of the fun things to do in Ocean City when here on a family holiday, we are going fishing and bringing you along.

Fishing on the Angler Deep Sea Fishing Boat

Fishing Trip Options on the Angler Head Boat

Once you decide you want to go fishing, you have to pick one of the many trip options, mostly based on the amount of time you want to spend on the water.  

This is a trip where you really don’t need anything.  Rods and reels can be rented for only $6 per person.  The bait is included with your ticket. Reservations are recommended and you have to book online.

3/4 day (6.5 hours)

  • Departs: 7:00am
  • Returns: 1:30pm
  • Adult: $71
  • Child: $38

8 hour day

  • Departs: 7:00am
  • Returns: 3:00pm
  • Adult: $93
  • Child: $47

10 hour day

  • Departs: 6:00am
  • Returns: 4:00pmโ€‹
  • Adult:$109
  • Child: $52

3 hour trip

  • Tuesday and Thursday only
  • Departs: 2:00pm
  • Returns: 5:00pmโ€‹
  • Adult: $38
  • Child: $23

Our Experience

We saw the Angler post on OceanCity.com’s Facebook page. Currently, there is a contest running where you can win a deep sea fishing trip for 2 on Captain Bill Bunting’s boat.  The winner will be randomly drawn and the winner posted on the page on July 6th.  The pictures looked so inviting that we thought we should just book the trip and see what it was like.

Book Online from the Angler’s Website

We went to the Angler’s Facebook page which links to their site.  We scrolled down to find the block that lets you book a trip.

the angler deep sea fishing boat book now on site
Just click on the button on the Angler’s page to book your trip. Here is the July fishing trip schedule where you can get information and book.

Information for Your Fishing Trip

We got the last three tickets on the boat for tomorrow morning.  I got a confirmation email immediately:  

confirmation email for angler fishing trip
This is the email we got immediately after booking the trip.

I looked around the site to try to find out what we need to bring.  I couldn’t really find a lot of information so I decided to give them a call at 410-289-7424.  There is an automated menu.  You will be able to get yourself to automated information for your fishing trip.

Trip Details & Info

You learn the basics of your trip from the recording:

  • The primary species we will be fishing for tomorrow is Black Sea bass.
    • The minimum legal fish is 13″ long, and
    • the maximum number of fish you can take home is 15.
  • The secondary species is flounder.
    • The minimum legal fish is 16.5″ and the limit is 4.
  • Bait is included with your ticket.
  • You can rent a rod and reel for $6.
  • Beer and beverages will be offered for sale on the boat.
  • There is no food on the boat, so you should pack your own.

This wasn’t quite enough information for me, so we chose another option to talk to a representative for more details.  We learned that

  • You can bring a cooler for your fish AND for your snacks/lunch.
  • You must bring the ice for your cooler.
  • You keep your coolers with you throughout the trip.

In talking with Sean, we learned that there are people who go out on the boat once a week!  There are regulars who have specific spots on the boat that they want, and there are even those who show up at the dock at midnight which is when you can put your cooler in line on the dock to enable you to be one of the first to choose your favorite spot once you board at 6:30 am.  Sean said that everybody has to be on the dock at 6:30, but many people arrive before then.  They prefer that people park in the first Angler lot that is enclosed in a low white picket fence on the right as you turn onto Talbot Street.  There is a second lot closer to the docks and the restaurant, but it’s only for back-up.

angler fishing boat parking lot
This is the preferred parking lot at the Angler.

Make it an Annual Event

We talked with a a couple of people who came off the fishing trip today.  They were from Rhode Island and said that they go on the Angler fishing boat every year on their vacation.

These visitors from Rhode Island got off the boat and said that they enjoy a fishing trip on the Angler every year.

We talked to the mate, Rich, as he cleaned the deck after arriving this evening.  He said that it had been beautiful out there today.  The odds of catching a lot of fish go up on the longer trips.  He said that it’s a smoother ride towards the back of the boat. 

Rich on the deck of the Angler
Rich, one of the mates aboard, will help you during the trip and is full of tips for a wonderful experience.

So that’s all for today.  We are headed out to get some ice for the cooler.  We will be at the dock at 6:30 for an on-time departure at 7 am.  

Watch Us Leave Tomorrow on the Webcam

Click on the webcam to watch the boat load and depart tomorrow morning between 6:30 and 7 am.

If you want to watch the boat board and pull away from the dock, just watch the Angler webcam.  It will be a great day!  Tune in for part 2 tomorrow…


Ann has been with StateVentures since 1999. She moved from Annapolis to Berlin, MD to be closer to Ocean City. She splits her work week between the two locations to help clients and visitors get the best information and value out of our sites. She loves a camera and any excuse to use it.ย  Her kids are both grown and off adventuring.ย  Ann loves to travel with her kids and lives with her dog Marley when she's not in Virginia fishing.

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