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Ocean City

Trick or Treat: This week In OC

Halloween – Thursday, October 31

A waxing crescent will be all that is illuminated this Halloween. To help you make the most of your time under this special Halloween Moon, we have a list of Trick or Treat locations around Ocean City.

Trick or Treat times & Extra happenings

Town of Berlin, MD

5pm-7pm Trick-or-Treat
Haunted House at the Burbage Funeral Home
Berlin Library – Berlin, MD, 10am – 6pm trick-or-treat
Trunk-or-Treat  – Artic Heating & Air Conditioning on Washington St

Pocomoke City, MD

5pm-7pm Trick-or-Treat

Town of Snow Hill, MD

5pm-8pm Trick-or-Treat
North Washington Street will be closed between Federal and Belt streets during the event. Free candy scanning will be available from 6-8 p.m. at the Worcester County courthouse, located at 1 W. Market St.

West Ocean City, MD

4-6pm trick or treat at White Marlin Mall 



Jessica Bauer
Jessica Bauer
Jessica is a creative through and through. She loves creating from sun up to sun down. She is an artist, a friend, a mom, a wife, and whatever other hat she might wear in a day. You might find Jessica with a camera or sketch pad in the local area, but you might find her far and away as she loves to travel. If you see her say, hi and give her dog/baby, Joey a hello too since they usually travel together!

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