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Ocean City

Ocean City Getaway Weekend, Love on Tap Style


Ocean City is gearing up to offer a getaway weekend.  Add specially curated local craft beer and you have a ‘beercation,’ Ocean City style. More than six hotels are offering packages that let you enjoy waterfront views while you get resort credits and other benefits.  Click here to see all the hotel package details.  Decide to participate in the virtual Love on Tap Shore Craft Beer Fest or just enjoy this oceanfront resort without the crowds.

Everybody is tired of COVID, but it is NOT the time to let down your defenses.  Instead, keep your mask on and head for Ocean City where you can spend the weekend keeping away from everybody and still enjoy all that Ocean City has to offer – and add a virtual craft beer fest to your list of activities.

The Princess Royale will host the virtual activities between 1:30 and 4:30 on Saturday, FeBREWary 27th.  If you choose this hotel, you can watch all the activities on your screen or live from your balcony facing into the large oceanfront atrium.  They will provide a band to entertain you after the brewery food pairing cook-off.

Princess Royale’s Atrium



Love on Tap Festival WeekendThere are many winter activities that you can enjoy without seeing another person. Enjoy your walks on the beach.  Sit on your balcony enjoying the beach or bay. Bring your bicycle and ride the boards.  Order fabulous food from one of the many open restaurants and then carry it back to your hotel room.    Winter birding is in full swing with diving ducks and loons easily seen from the inlet area.  


Shore Craft Beer and the Ocean City Development Corporation are teaming up to offer you a great virtual experience FEBREWARY 26-28 weekend. No more crowds, no more standing in line. Now it’s a new, never-been-done-before all-virtual “Love on Tap!” in Ocean City, Maryland.

If you want to add the craft beer, plan to arrive between 6 and 8 on Friday evening and you can swing by the Princess Royale Hotel to pick up your beer so you can kick the weekend off in style.  If you get to Ocean City too late, you can always pick up your beer anytime between 11 and 1 on Saturday morning, just in time to get back to your room and crack open one of the beers before the virtual beer pairing cook off starts at 1:30.  

Enjoy your ocean view, drink your specially curated local craft beer selection, and view virtual content only ticket purchasers can view. We will have three different six-packs available for purchase and you can buy one or all of them. We have branded face masks and commemorative glasses for sale which you can pick up when you get your beer. Then, from 1:30 – 4:30 we will have a LIVE virtual event where you can log in to see four local craft breweries discussing their beers in your curated selections and pairing them with food in a mini cooking demonstration. This will be a competition so get ready to vote!!! There will also be live music from the Princess Royale being streamed to you, wherever you may be.

We will have the six-packs ready for pick-up on Friday evening and Saturday morning outside the Princess Royale Hotel in Ocean City, Maryland. You can drive through to pick up your beer, or you can park and come in. Details on available activities are being worked out so stay tuned.

YOU WILL GET ACCESS TO THE VIRTUAL CONTENT WITH ANY PURCHASE!  Please don’t forget to bring your HDMI cord and laptop so you can access your virtual content.

Ann has been with StateVentures since 1999. She moved from Annapolis to Berlin, MD to be closer to Ocean City. She splits her work week between the two locations to help clients and visitors get the best information and value out of our sites. She loves a camera and any excuse to use it.ย  Her kids are both grown and off adventuring.ย  Ann loves to travel with her kids and lives with her dog Marley when she's not in Virginia fishing.

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