Oceancity.com’s August Sandcastle Contest Winners x3! Let’s Meet The Baker Family


Congratulations to the Trio of families that are now best of friends for winning Oceancity.com’s August Sand Castle Contest! We can’t wait to see what you’re planning for next year! Let’s meet The Baker Family from Eldersburg, Maryland. 

Family Name: Baker

Who are the members and ages of your family:

Chad 52, Stacey 50, Ridgley 20, Ryan 18

Where are you from? Eldersburg, MD

How long is your drive? 3 hours

Where do you like to stay? Mid town 52-53rd St 

How long have you been vacationing in Ocean City? Since we were all very young children 

Family Favorites

Morning Activity: Set up beach camp to include building huge pile for Sandcastle later, bike riding and walking

Beach or Pool:  Beach all the way

Favorite Beach Snack: Twizzlers 

Must have items in your beach bag: Towel, chair clips, magazines, snacks, paint brush, napkins, trash bag, sunglasses cleaner, tissue 

Breakfast Spot: beach

Lunch Spot: beach

Dinner Restaurant: Belly Busters delivered to the beach 

Boardwalk Store: K Coast

Ice Cream Flavors: Dumsers black raspberry 

Popcorn Flavors: caramel 

Walk the boardwalk or ride the tram? Walk

Beach nap or swim in the ocean? Both

Tell All

Who sleeps in later on vacation? Ridgley and Ryan

Who is the better mini golf player? Ryan

Who packs the most clothes? Stacey

Who gets the most excited to come to Ocean City? Everyone 

Who is most likely to jump in the ocean first? Ryan

Who is most likely to want to ride The Tidal Wave Roller Coaster? Ridgley


In 50 words or less, explain why you love Ocean City.

We enjoy the small town resort feeling that allows you to enjoy a beautiful clean beach relaxing with family and friends. The sunrises are invigorating and the sunsets are calming and beautiful. The salt air and hustle of the town always makes you feel like a kid again the minute you arrive. 


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