53.6 F
Ocean City

Ocean City, Maryland Weather

Forecast & Information

OCEAN CITY, Maryland 5 Day Weather Forecast

Ocean City
53.6 ° F
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Ocean City Weather

The average high temperature in Ocean City during the summer months (June-August) is around 80-85°F. However, temperatures can sometimes rise into the 90s°F, especially in July and August.
Category: Ocean City Weather
Ocean City experiences occasional rain showers during the summer, usually in the form of afternoon thunderstorms. On average, there are about 8-10 rainy days per month during the summer.
Category: Ocean City Weather
Ocean City can experience moderate winds, especially during the spring and fall months. However, winds are generally calmer during the summer. It’s always a good idea to check the local weather forecast before heading to the beach.
Category: Ocean City Weather
Being on the East coast of Maryland we often find ourselves in the middle of some pretty impressive weather systems, but it’s very rare.    While hurricanes are not common in Ocean City, they can occur, especially during the Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1st to November 30th. Our live webcams get very popular during storms. It’s important to be aware of the hurricane season and to have a plan in place in case of severe weather. Check the emergency information page on OceanCity.com for information and relevant phone numbers and websites.
Category: Ocean City Weather
The water temperature in Ocean City varies depending on the time of year. During the summer months, the water temperature averages around 70-75°F (21-24°C). However, the water can be cooler in the spring and fall.   Surfers don wetsuits and surf all year – regardless of the temperatures.  We, personally, like the warm water we see in Ocean City later in the summer and even into the early fall.
Category: Ocean City Weather
Usually in March and April we see the temperatures rise and linger in the 60’s & 70’s providing excellent weather for enjoying the outside life, walking the boardwalk & beach, biking, and other outdoor activities.  The Beach season begins in May and runs until September or October.


Category: Ocean City Weather
Absolutely!  As long as the electricity and internet are working, you can watch some impressive wave action and dramatic skies through the webcams on OceanCity.com.  You can also keep watch on the OceanCity.com Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ocfun
Category: Ocean City Weather

Tide Chart for Ocean City, Maryland



See the current weather through our live Ocean City webcams

Rainy Day Activities

Here are some ideas of what to do when it rains or isn't beach weather.


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